Pure Mathematics and Programming

8/2/2023 UPDATE:

I have completed a blazing fast perfect square root equation.

ceil((floor(a = (N/2/(d = (floor((N/8)+4)/2)))))+(d/2));

It can only do perfect square 1 - 324. After that it's off. But I did manage
to get it up to 441 with what was *supposed* to be the irrational root part
of the equation:

(a=(ceil((floor((N/2/(d = (floor((N/8)+4)/2)))))+(d/2))))+((N-(a*a))*(1/(a*2+1)));

Of course, it does not properly calculate irrational square roots since I didn't
figure out how to compare the irrational square to a perfect square before doing the math.
but that's ok. At least it gets up to 441 for perfect squares :)

You can find the GPL 2.0 Licensed source code for it here:

I have also devised a seemingly slower yet still a pure math function equation to handle
both perfect and irrational square roots with a much more direct, clean dividing method.
I'll update later to show you when I'm done with it.

Welp that's all for now folks.

INTRO: This site is all about using pure mathematics in programming,
which is by default a "pure function". Soon I will upload GPL licensed
code of mine that does range finding and enumeration, as well as square roots
and even a super efficient circle drawing equation that greatly surpasses the
bresenham algorithms' speed and accuracy. Then eventually a 3d engine that uses
all of the above logic to render 3d objects on the screen at much higher efficiency
all in just simple single lines of code for each function.

Pure mathematics means not using if statements, while/for loops,
iterations or recursions of any kind to perform a calculation. This has the potential
to speed up computer processing times and use less memory.

However, my goal is not to merely simplify code, but to literally write an entire library
(.h header files in C language) that transforms any keyword from any language into
single lines of code that can perform any function you desire without the repetitive
and resource wasting loops and number comparison iterations. You can then use a custom
keyword from the header files to quickly and easily perform the simplified process.
My goal is also to create a community standard for creating such code and get enough people
to agree with it and use it as such.

So, my philosophy as it stands, is that if our computers can do what they do today
and obviously they need to do math to do anything, then it should be possible to write
an entire program completely with only numbers and operators and without the
need for most standard programming language keywords.

6/27/2023 Around 2:00 am EST.

The first breakthrough in using pure function (pure math) single-line coding (no iterations/for/while/if statements) happened early this morning. This is a simple demonstration of how to do conditional checks with nothing but the 4 basic operations of math. All it does it take 1,2,4,8 and enumerate them as 1,2,3,4 in an output. Keep in mind it only does one of them at a time. If you want to do all 4, you have to run the program again and do another, and then repeat the process, you get it.

Unfortunately i had to use math.h to round it up, but that's that. The real issue is that anything that goes under 1 as an SUM should default to 1. If that were the case, it would work without math.h round function. Also, negative numbers are retarded, computers should be designed to automatically make sure when subtracting or dividing that the larger number is the thing being sliced from, not by.

## PURE MATH - Single Line Enumeration of ranged values.
## GPL 2.0 LICENSED.UPLOADED TO simplemathematics.neocities.org/src/ on 6/27/2023
## Refer to the GPL_2.0_license.txt in this same directory or go to
## https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html for more information.
## nobodyleftallded@yahoo.com
## I barely got this working. But it does show that pure math can wield
## the power of conditional statements to perform a complex calculation
## without the need for c language keywords. That doesn't mean int and
## printf aren't used of course!. It's just the calculation itself
## doesn't need anything but absolute pure math.
## This is my FIRST code example of a _truly_ PURE FUNCTION. This code is
## proof that math is a
## language that can not only be used to calculate anything, but also
## express and control logical frameworks. The main issue is the
## corruption of mathematical logic that has been going on for many
## centuries now. More specifically, it is the adoption
## of 10-base math that creates all sorts of problems and errors with
## division and consistency of numerical properties.
## we can also bash the concept of 0 when all we do with it seems
## to either screw our maths up or confuse the shit out of us.
## I also have nothing but hate for negative numbers, as you can't have 2 apples
## in your hand and then subtract 3 to get a -1. That is not possible.
## Also, i don't give a shit what anyone says. Circles take up exactly 3/4
## of the area of a square drawn outside of it. Fuck all this pi (or tau) bullshit.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
int rad;
printf("Choose your number, only 1,2,4 and 8 are accepted: ");
scanf("%d", &rad);
float a = round((((rad*2) - (rad/2.1))+1) - (rad*1.09375));
printf("answer is %0.0f", a);
return 0;

Time to celebrate and party hard with the first source code addition to my site!

To do list: